2023 AGM

The Annual General Meeting

The 94th AGM will be held on Monday 9th October 2023. The meeting and lunch will commence at 1 p.m.

Yarra Yarra Golf Club
Yarra Yarra Golf Club

Like other years we will have a golf competition in the morning with a shotgun start at 8:30am. The course grounds people will be doing a bit of work on a couple of greens at that time but it should not affect the golf.

The cost has been arranged at $100 for golf, lunch and meeting and $35 for lunch and meeting only. 

COST: Lunch $35
RSVP: 29th August 2023
School Representatives are reminded that if they were unable to be present at the meeting, a substitute should attend.
The meeting will include welcoming of new school representatives, announcement of Life Members and the election of office bearers for the committee for 2024.
Please find attached the Minutes of the 93rd WIGCC AGM and the current list of Representatives and Life Members.

The 95th WIGCC will be held at Yarra Yarra Golf Course on the 18th March 2024.
⇒ Download  WISGCC Notice of AGM 2023
⇒ Download  WISGCC AGM Minutes 2022
⇒ Download WIGCC Committee & School Representatives 2022-2023
⇒ Download AGM Agenda 2023