2017 AGM
The Annual General Meeting
The 88th AGM was held on Friday 6th October 2017 at The Kew Golf Club.
The meeting was preceded by an 18 hole event which was won by Judy Bull of Clarendon PLC and a life member. Judy played off a handicap of 15 and had 34 stableford points – she was presented with the Committee Trophy for her achievement.
Anna Tucker (Clyde) was the winner of the NTP on the 4th hole. The longest drive was by Libby Nicholson of the Hermitage on the 9th.
The weather was quite chilly throughout the morning of golf (top of 15 deg) though we did have sunshine on one hole! But altogether not unpleasant for golf. We had a delicious lunch and then the meeting.
The new committee was elected. President Libby Nicholson (The Hermitage), VP – Anna Tucker (Clyde), Secretary – Marg Picken (Fintona) & Minutes Secretary – Sue Thomas (Ruyton).
The next AGM and golf day will be held on Friday 14th September 2018 at The Sorrento Golf Club.
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